Our daughters were baptized on Sunday. In the reformed tradition, we believe that God's promises are for us and our children, and that baptism is a sign that he will be at work in their lives calling them into covenant relationship with him, even before they realize it. Well enough of the theological, lets get to the personal.
As a pastor, I had the privilege of baptizing my new daughters. Frankly, I was fairly nervous about doing it. Our youngest is fairly shy and withdrawn and having water placed on your head in front of an entire church could be a fairly scary thing. But her response was exhilarating. There was no fear, but a calm peace, even a sense of excitement, and after I handed her back to Jen, she kept smiling and saying, "Momma, wa," and making the sign of the cross on her head. She was ecstatic to be included into the family of God. Oh that more people would exhibit the kind of euphoria at being part of God's church forever. It truly is something to be very emotive about.
His Glory and My Good: A New Song from City Alight
8 months ago
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