A. Because Christ alone is the eternal, natural Son of God. We, however, are adopted children of God – adopted by grace through Christ.
While a man can adopt many children in addition to his biological child, the biological child is unique among them all. This child carries his DNA and is literally like him. This doesn’t mean the other children are loved less, or not his children, but they are different. In the same way, Jesus is God’s natural Son. Hebrews 1 tells us Jesus carries God’s DNA. Read Hebrews 1:1-5.
The apostle John, inspired by the Holy Spirit, writes of Jesus’ divinity, while also speaking of his eternal nature and his creative and sustaining power. Jesus, this same Jesus spoken of in Hebrews as creator and God’s son, is here clearly described as divine and directly from God. Read John 1:1-14.
Wonderfully, God adopts us as his children and grants us all the rights of children. Read Galatians 4:4-7. As children of God we are able to call God Father, and to enjoy all the relation, all the love, all the benefit that any child has with his or her parents.
Read Romans 8:14-17. Paul reiterates his message to the Galatians when he affirms that we are God’s children. This is wonderful news, but it also carries with it some implications. We will suffer, just as Christ Jesus suffered in this world. That is part of being a child of the king. However, just as Christ suffered but wasn’t abandoned to the grave, neither will we suffer and be abandoned. God the Father will be right their with us in the midst of our suffering, in order to carry us into glory.
Read Matthew 12:46-50. Jesus assures his disciples that they are his brothers and sisters and mothers, members of his family, when they obey him. This draws on that last catechism’s answer that Christians are anointed to confess his name and live as he lived. Obviously Jesus couldn’t call these disciples members of his family unless his Father, accepted them too, for he frequently spoke of His Father in heaven and said that he only spoke what the Father told him. Be encouraged, if Jesus accepts you, the Father will too.
So who begins our adoption and how does it proceed? God begins our adoption and it proceeds by grace. As children, we have no part in the process, but God in his divine grace and sovereignty, chooses certain men, women and children from among humanity to be included in his family. This he does as an act of grace and mercy. Read Ephesians 1:5-10. God is the object and initiator of every action in that passage related to salvation and adoption. Rejoice that it is his work being done in and through you.
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