It's Tuesday and here is a replay of the service on Sunday. We had an hour dedicated to praying 6 locations around the world. Here is an overview of the 6:
Tunisia (Africa) - a former Christian stronghold in the 1-3 century, now this area is predominantly Muslim. Pray for God to bring the Gospel back to this country and its neighbors and to strengthen the few believers here with boldness and courage to stand up and proclaim Christ, even under penalty of death.
Romania (Europe) - a huge orphan problem exists here as well as a lack of hope and joy. Pray for God to raise up more Romanian believers who will care for the orphans and for his to restore a sense of hope to the country.
Papua New Guinea (Australia) - home to over 100 different language groups, some estimates go as high as 1000 on this island. Pray for the Bible to be available in each language, and for God to raise up missionaries from within those tribes that have already been reached to go and preach to their neighbors in the mountainous areas.
Bellingham, WA (N. America) - Summer is starting and alot of churches and Christian camps are beginning. Pray for the gospel to go out, for children's hearts to be receptive and for alot of fun to be had.
North Korea (Asia) - One of the most reclusive countries in the World. High poverty and oppression are here. The country flaunts international laws. Pray for God to change the heart of the current dictator Kim Jong and to replace him with a man devoted to God.
Uruguay (S. America) - An extremely conservative catholic country. Pray for evangelical churches to make inroads in to the country.
I am sure there are other things that could be added to each of these lists, but these are the ones that jumped out to me. Continue praying this week for these locations and take William Carey's advise to heart "To know the will of God, we need an open Bible and an open map." Is God calling you to pray for the nations and to go to the nations? Certainly he is, all of us are called to be his witnessses throughout the world.
Remember: Join me next week at 9:15 a.m. in the prayer room for another 10 minute prayer time for another country of the world.
NOTE: We had just a great response to the prayer time this week that we are considering having another time like this in November. Maybe we will try and do this 3 times a year. Praise God. We are called to be a house of prayer for all the nations.
His Glory and My Good: A New Song from City Alight
8 months ago
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